Arbitrum Proposal: #0x09d16f8726f1f9a85bd6975587947a2cd7ce6bd438750d52866ae36207ac7ded

[NON-CONSTITUTIONAL] Pilot Phase: Arbitrum Ventures Initiative

For [No IRL Event]86.9%

For [Full scope]: 5.3%

8,039,906 ARB

For [No IRL Event]: 86.9%

132,538,395 ARB

Against: 6.6%

10,087,357 ARB

Abstain: 1.2%

1,782,633 ARB

Voting Period





AVI Baner small.png


We are proposing a pilot of the Arbitrum Ventures Initiative Scope:

  1. A 2-month pilot sprint of the core team focused on executing the market consultation part of the scope.
  2. Running a series of online and IRL events before, during and after the 2 month sprint dedicated to the creation of an Arbitrum Ecosystem Investment Thesis. This thesis will help integrate the various investment initiatives already being run or proposed to the DAO.


Full proposal text


This proposal builds upon discussions during ETHDenver, and a subsequent six weeks of conducting the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI) Working Group.

As a result of the above, the AVI Working Group has identified existing pain points related to venture development and investment frameworks, and has proceeded to submit this proposal with the intent to formulate an eventual comprehensive go-to-market strategy for the AVI.


The AVI team’s mission is to grant the ArbitrumDAO an effective and practical knowledge base so as to equip delegates and future AVI contributors with the necessary toolkit to deploy the AVI Ecosystem Fund (or nomenclature equivalent).

Why conduct a pilot phase?

Operating AVI represents a bold and pioneering initiative for blockchain ecosystems and as such it is also a complex undertaking that involves high capital needs. It also is one of several such initiatives the Arbitrum DAO that require complex stakeholder alignment around setting up legal and governance structures. Thus, it is not appropriate to rush before the relevant structures have been put in place.

At the same time, there is a significant opportunity cost in not progressing with good velocity on at least the components that can already clearly be acted on. A lean and pragmatic pilot phase to analyze key themes thoroughly and develop the necessary clarity, will provide us with a solid foundation to build on.

A pilot phase will help us derisk the AVI initiative, provide a better understanding of the landscape and options at hand, surface and validate key assumptions, and engage and align key stakeholders. Running a pilot phase will help us refine and optimize our investment strategy to cater to investors and target developers of highest strategic significance and return potential to Arbitrum, while at the same time further fleshing out the next steps and cost assumptions. Ultimately, our goal is to foster iterative learning, robust and effective investment approach, and strong engagement from key ecosystem participants.

Pilot approach

The pilot sprint outputs intend to provide the DAO delegates and stakeholders with sufficient information to decide on advancing the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI), or parts of it into the next phase of development. The sprint is designed to fund the operational team for 8 weeks and is the natural progression of our existing Working Group efforts. We will also be hosting the IRL thesis development event and online workshops before and after the core sprint. Thus, producing an overall timeline of up to 18 weeks.

The sprint will kick off in-depth research and workshops to identify opportunity areas (thesis development).

The pilot sprint will provide concrete data and analysis from various ecosystem participants and stakeholders. Armed with this information, we will have the strategic perspective (thesis development) ready for AVI’s operation.

Key Output // Deliverables


The AVI team brings deep expertise in the investment landscape (web3-specific and Venture Capital), working with early-stage builders and in ecosystem building (Development Venture Capital) around frontier and emerging technologies.



Core Team for 2 months (interviews, research and report production) Konstantina (lead), Ana, and Lino + Immutable Lawyer, Paul and Anish 1 to 4 d/mo capacity $50,000.00

Data Services and Misc Items $4,000.00

Running a Thesis Development Event (IRL) with 3 preliminary opportunity mapping workshops and continuous community and stakeholder engagement Lino (lead), Bart (facilitator), Ana $45,000.00

Total - $99,000.00

FAQ (answers available on the forum post)

  1. What happens if we don’t do this now?
  2. What is the outcome of this pilot proposal? How does that tie to a larger vision?
  3. How does this compare to other proposals? Aren't other people already working on this (Foundation, Treasury Working Group, GCP, M&A, BoB, Elixir, etc.)?
  4. Aren't there parts we need to wait to be established, like the VC entity or OpsCo?
  5. How does this relate to the OpsCo and GCP entities?
  6. Why is the IRL event not being done in Brussels?
  7. What does the timeline actually look like?
  8. Given the seniority of the team, why don't you already have a thesis? How come other initiatives seem to have more specific proposals?