Arbitrum Proposal: #0x81cc53932edd0891c8f93a502a1ea929ba1ef1ebf76701663c52d5167b323a6d

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator - Bond sentiment.


For: 99.9%

156,620,467 ARB

Against: 0.1%

101,012 ARB

Abstain: 0%

67,088 ARB

Voting Period





Non-Constitutional Proposal


The Arbitrum Foundation is seeking 4,234 ETH, for Assertion and challenge bonds - to allow the Arbitrum Foundation to run a BoLD validator and fulfill the role of being the first, but not necessarily the only, honest and active proposer.

This proposal is contingent on the AIP upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD being approved by the ArbitrumDAO. If the AIP to upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD does not pass - then the Arbitrum Foundation will return these funds, to the ArbitrumDAO within 30 days.


The AIP to upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD only proposes the technical upgrade and intentionally does not yet introduce an economic incentive mechanism to grow the validator set (since Arbitrum only needs 1 honest, active proposer at any point in time). Without this incentive, the ArbitrumDAO holds the risk that no entity will fulfill the role of being the first honest party to secure Arbitrum One. By adopting this proposal, the ArbitrumDAO is appointing the Arbitrum Foundation to be the first active proposer for Arbitrum One.

Key Terms

Budget Request

Assertion and Challenge Bonds

The Foundation is requesting 4,234 ETH from the ArbitrumDAO treasury to cover the bonds required to establish a single honest proposer with the capability to defend the system.

The requested ETH is a combination of:

The Arbitrum Foundation will deposit these funds in the [RollupCore.sol] contracts on L1 Ethereum for the validator. If the BoLD AIP passes, then the Arbitrum Foundation’s staked validator will be enabled to immediately act as a proposer for Arbitrum One.

Note: the Arbitrum Foundation is proposing to be the first active proposer, not the ONLY proposer. BoLD removes the reliance on a permissioned set of validators who are eligible to be proposers, and any interested parties and/or teams can permissionlessly run validators to become proposers for Arbitrum One upon a successful upgrade of the dispute protocol.

Steps to implement & timeline

  1. Publication of an AIP to the ArbitrumDAO forums for engaged discussion and debate.
  2. Temperature checks on Snapshot. a. Bond sentiment. Test whether the ArbitrumDAO may approve the Arbitrum Foundation’s request for 4234 ETH to run the first BoLD validator. b. Operational cost sentiment. Test whether the ArbitrumDAO may approve the additional service fee for active proposers (excluding the Arbitrum Foundation) and the reimbursement of L1 gas costs for running an active proposer, totalling 900 ETH.
  3. Depending on the temperature check result: a. Continue to Tally. If there is strong consensus on both temperature checks, then the AIP will be published as one on-chain AIP on Tally for an on-chain vote. b. Re-iterate on numbers. If either temperature check is rejected by the DAO, then it will be iterated on and re-submitted for a temperature check again, until there is consensus.
  4. Assuming a successful vote on-chain, the funds will be transferred to a multi-sig wallet controlled by the Arbitrum Foundation.
  5. The Arbitrum Foundation will then deposit the funds in a validator that will be used to secure Arbitrum One, if the AIP to upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD is passed.

Payment facilitation, final costs & restrictions

The Arbitrum Foundation is requesting 4,234 ETH from the ArbitrumDAO to cover the following costs:

All requested funds will be sent to a multi-sig controlled by the Arbitrum Foundation and the funds will be returned if the BoLD proposal is not approved by the ArbitrumDAO.

The ArbitrumDAO will have the authority to single-handedly return the funds to the ArbitrumDAO treasury by revoking the Arbitrum Foundation’s proposer at any time and returning the bonds back to the treasury. This will be implemented and enforced via the BoLD smart contracts: