Arbitrum Proposal: #0xfd4085bda4daaa79445627ac2886656cdc1ef90cfbe0e8b82f955773cbfd4290

Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting

David Bolger [Growth / BD Exp]21.4%

Immutable Lawyer [Gov Exp]: 4.1%

7,864,195 ARB

CoinflipCanada [Gov Exp]: 21.3%

40,993,100 ARB

C.J. Bzdewka [Gov Exp]: 3.7%

7,128,763 ARB

Mona El Isa [Gov Exp]: 0.4%

721,161 ARB

Devansh Mehta [Gov Exp]: 0.5%

1,020,160 ARB

Kristoffer DW [Gov Exp]: 0%

49,649 ARB

David Bolger [Growth / BD Exp]: 21.4%

41,212,892 ARB

John Kennedy [Growth / BD Exp]: 1%

1,935,747 ARB

Rich Cabrera [Growth / BD Exp]: 0%

34,516 ARB

Ali Husain [Growth / BD Exp]: 0.4%

676,958 ARB

Amar Bedi [Growth / BD Exp]: 0%

29,292 ARB

Enric Pedro [Player Eng Exp]: 5.9%

11,279,575 ARB

Greg Canessa [Ops Exp]: 17.8%

34,230,038 ARB

David Plisek [Ops Exp]: 0.7%

1,284,638 ARB

Sam Saliba [Venture Exp]: 7.1%

13,743,206 ARB

Adam Dawson [Venture Exp]: 0%

31,502 ARB

Karthik Raju [Venture Exp]: 15.7%

30,327,529 ARB

Voting Period





On June 20, 2024, a call for GCP Council nominees was posted to the forum. This DAO elected council will be made of experienced members to join a collaborative brain trust that advises and oversees the GCP.

Council members will leverage their deep DAO governance experience, industry knowledge and financial expertise to guide the program’s strategic direction and ensure the utmost transparency to the Arbitrum DAO.

Please see the candidate thread for details associated with each candidate nomination.

We strive to be thoughtful during the voting processes to ensure that a range of skills and expertise are represented on the GCP Council. To that end, all Nominees should be evaluated based on their ability to contribute to a well-balanced council.

Please note:

This election structure is weighted, meaning delegates may allocate their voting power to several candidates.

Meet your GCP Council Nominees:

Domain: Governance Expert

Domain: Growth / BD Expert

Domain: Player Engagement Expert

Domain: Operations / Games Expert

Domain: Venture / Games Expert