Archway Proposals
Archway incentivizes developers by rewarding them with a share of gas fees generated by their dApps. Developers can build and launch scalable cross-chain dApps on Archway, and even customize how rewards are managed within their dApp community. The Archway protocol is based on CosmWasm, WebAssembly (Wasm), Go, and Rust. There are over 40 high-level programming languages that support Wasm, including C and C++, TypeScript, Python, and Java.
Proposal: Sell Nomos Multisig IP to Archway Community
Yes: 12.3%
No: 46.1%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 41.6%
Proposal to reduce the Archway validator set & network inflation rate
Yes: 59.2%
No: 27.2%
No With Veto: 12.4%
Abstain: 1.1%
Recover expired IBC client to Nibiru (cataclysm-1)
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 0%
Signaling Proposal: Creation of a Conflict Resolution Council
Yes: 94.5%
No: 0.5%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 5%
ARCH incentives for ARCH / sARCH collateral on Demex
Yes: 79.3%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 20.7%
Revive expired sentinelhub-2 ibc client 07-tendermint-90
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 0%
Reduce the Minimum Price of Gas (MPOG) for the Archway Network from 900 Gway to 140 Gway
Yes: 92.4%
No: 2.2%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 5.5%
[Funding Proposal] The Geccoverse - A TxArt Pilot Project exploring the intersection between Art and Technology from a story-first paradigm
Yes: 14.6%
No: 56.7%
No With Veto: 0.3%
Abstain: 28.5%
Budget increase and restructure of Liquidity Council
Yes: 86.9%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 13.1%