Axelar Proposals
Axelar unlocks secure, one-click cross-chain communication for Web3. Developers can build interoperable dApps that seamlessly connect users to any asset or application across multiple blockchains, by leveraging the battle-tested security of POS systems. To further encourage decentralization, Axelar empowers AXL stakers to govern the network. Any holder with a suficient staked AXL deposit can propose changes, while secure EVM gateways verify validator signatures and only allow upgrades approved by AXL holders votes.
Add 32 new verifiers to approved amplifier verifier set
Yes: 98%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 2%
Registering Amplifier Service at ServiceRegistry
Yes: 100%
No: 0%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 0%
Axelar road to Blockchaincon (Onboarding & Hackathon)
Yes: 43%
No: 28.7%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 28.3%
Revised Axelar Brazilian and Spanish Community - 6 Month Continuity and Expansion Plan
Yes: 19%
No: 53.5%
No With Veto: 0.9%
Abstain: 26.6%
Building Organic Buzz for Axelar via CipherClout PR
Yes: 36.9%
No: 18.5%
No With Veto: 0%
Abstain: 44.6%