Injective Proposal: #386

Upload Exotic Holding Contract Wasm Code




Yes: 30.8%

10,548,339 INJ

No: 5.8%

2,001,370 INJ

No With Veto: 0%

1,535 INJ

Abstain: 63.4%

21,747,253 INJ

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time



Exotic Market is a DeFi option infrastructure. We built a new version of the contract to prepare new features (to be announced). This version has been audited by SCV:


Exotic-Holding will handle the full lifecycle of the options.

1- Product creation .

2-Collection of the collateral .

3-Creation of the option .

4-Auction with RFQ .

5-Expiry of the option .

6-Distribution of the PnL to users

Contract information:

Release version: 0.2.1

Compiler version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0


Exotic markets is an option infrastructure protocol. We will use new audited contracts for new products. Smart contracts are native to injective.

Exotic-Holding contract handle the lifecycle of the deposit, option and user withdrawals.

By voting YES on this proposal, you agree to uploading Exotic-Holding Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO on the proposal, you do not support uploading Exotic-Holding Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO WITH VETO, you find this proposal to be spam/irrelevant/malicious to governance, and contribute to burning 100 INJ deposit if NoWithVeto votes are greater than 1/3 of the total voting power.

By voting ABSTAIN, you wish to contribute to quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
