Injective Proposal: #412

New Quant in Town




Yes: 30.2%

12,425,997 INJ

No: 5%

2,058,490 INJ

No With Veto: 2.3%

958,448 INJ

Abstain: 62.5%

25,746,522 INJ

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time


Injective needs a new mascot. We're tired of moving in silence. What's the point of being a Ninja when nobody notices you.

As such, this proposal was brought forth to introduce a new mascot.

A new Quant if you will.

His full name is Bentley Boone, but you can just call him Benny.

Benny is a legend amongst men. He's highly recognizable, has great style, incredibly charming, and represents all of us. Not some obscure fantasy character.

Benny just wants to make it. He's a trader, investor, and a person. A recognizable person. There's not many green people out there.

Benny believes that he can represent all of Injective much better than a Ninja can. Ninjas don't even trade. Benny does. He's good at it too.

As part of his commitment, Benny is requesting a grant of 1 (one) Injective (INJ) tokens. He will double it in one week and retain the grant to the Injective team.

Benny won't even keep his profits. He will use it to buy Mirza dinner. He thinks Mirza is cute.

If you believe in Benny, vote yes. Eric Chen even said to Benny, "that's my Quant." So you can rest assured this is a super official proposal to give Injective a new character like Monad has.

While today Benny is only Eric's Quant, one day we hope he becomes our Quant. Injective's Quant.

You can follow Benny's journey @InjectiveQuants on X.