Injective Proposal: #414

Upload Exotic Vanilla Contract Wasm Code




Yes: 33.9%

12,914,535 INJ

No: 6.8%

2,601,575 INJ

No With Veto: 0%

2,207 INJ

Abstain: 59.3%

22,609,380 INJ

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time



Exotic Market is a DeFi option infrastructure. New version for Staked products.


Exotic Vanilla contract is the contract handling the financial product definition and the calculation of the payoff. It will hold the collateral and generate token position in exchange. I.e. : Spot, Strike, Maturity, conditions of payoff…

Contract information:

Release version: 0.3.1

Compiler version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0


Exotic markets is an option infrastructure protocol. We will use new audited contracts for new products. Smart contracts are native to injective.

Exotic-Vanilla contract handle products and payoff calculation.

By voting YES on this proposal, you agree to uploading Exotic-Vanilla Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO on the proposal, you do not support uploading Exotic-Vanilla Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO WITH VETO, you find this proposal to be spam/irrelevant/malicious to governance, and contribute to burning 100 INJ deposit if NoWithVeto votes are greater than 1/3 of the total voting power.

By voting ABSTAIN, you wish to contribute to quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
