Injective Proposal: #415

Upload Exotic Staking Contract Wasm Code




Yes: 33.9%

12,914,946 INJ

No: 6.8%

2,601,865 INJ

No With Veto: 0%

2,558 INJ

Abstain: 59.3%

22,609,446 INJ

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time



Exotic Market is a DeFi option infrastructure. Updating the contract to handle the new Holding messages.


Exotic Escrow contract is the contract handling the exchange of option positions on secondary market. Seller can set a fixed or volatility price and the contract check that the buyer order is in the price range.

Contract information:

Release version: 0.1.0

Compiler version: cosmwasm/optimizer:0.15.0


Exotic markets is an option infrastructure protocol. Smart contracts are native to injective.

Exotic-Escrow contract handle options on secondary market. It allow users to sell / buy the option positions.

By voting YES on this proposal, you agree to uploading Exotic-Escrow Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO on the proposal, you do not support uploading Exotic-Escrow Wasm Contract as described in this proposal.

By voting NO WITH VETO, you find this proposal to be spam/irrelevant/malicious to governance, and contribute to burning 100 INJ deposit if NoWithVeto votes are greater than 1/3 of the total voting power.

By voting ABSTAIN, you wish to contribute to quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
