Injective Proposal: #497
Update denom metadata for major stablecoins
Yes: 70.6%
23,094,723 INJ
No: 0%
65 INJ
No With Veto: 0%
238 INJ
Abstain: 29.4%
9,608,201 INJ
Voting Period
Deposit End
Submit Time
This proposal adds denom metadata for major stablecoins such as USDT (peggy0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7) and USDC (ibc/2CBC2EA121AE42563B08028466F37B600F2D7D4282342DE938283CC3FB2BC00E) on chain to ensure the speedy and efficient creation of perpetual markets across exchange dApps on Injective. This metadata is required for proper market operation and price display.
- By voting 'YES' on this proposal, you support adding stablecoin metadata as described above.
- By voting 'NO' on the proposal, you do not support adding stablecoin metadata as described above.
- By voting 'NO WITH VETO', you find this proposal to be spam/irrelevant/malicious, and support burning the 500 INJ deposit, if No With Veto votes are greater than ⅓ of the total voting power.
- By voting 'ABSTAIN', you wish to contribute to the quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
<em>Disclosure: I am a member of the Injective Labs team.</em>