Injective Proposal: #499
Disbursement of OLP rewards for epoch ended on 17 February 2025
Yes: 68.2%
26,915,840 INJ
No: 0%
1,428 INJ
No With Veto: 0%
260 INJ
Abstain: 31.8%
12,541,616 INJ
Voting Period
Deposit End
Submit Time
If passed, this proposal confirms the final Open Liquidity Program institutional performance of epoch 42 as well as the distribution of 42949.312 INJ tokens, of which 19420.477 INJ are the OLP vested amount from epoch 39, and 23528.835 INJ are 50% of the OLP rewards allocated to epoch 42. The remaining OLP rewards of epoch 42 will be disbursed along with the rewards disbursement of epoch 45. The recipient must still be an active participant of the program in order to receive future disbursements. For a further breakdown of rewards refer to the IPFS link:
- By voting YES on this proposal, you agree to spending 42949.312 INJ tokens from the community pool for epoch 42 OLP rewards distribution.
- By voting NO on the proposal, you do not support spending 42949.312 INJ tokens from the community pool for epoch 42 OLP rewards distribution.
- By voting NO WITH VETO, you find this proposal to be spam, irrelevant, or malicious to governance, and support burning the 100 INJ deposit if NoWithVeto votes are greater than ⅓ of the total voting power.
- By voting ABSTAIN, you wish to contribute to the quorum while formally declining to vote either for or against the proposal.
<em>Disclosure: I am a member of the Injective Labs team.</em>