Lido Proposal: #0x300523518b08f20c585751c0a720ef3ec53698d4e5062154d285b15cb062f96c

ReGOOSE: Updated goals for Lido in the light of MVI and restaking

Adopt reGOOSE99.9%

Adopt reGOOSE: 99.9%

58,536,900 LDO

No Action: 0.1%

34,820 LDO

Voting Period






Since November 2, 2023, when the Lido DAO goals for 2024 were approved, significant internal achievements and external developments have occurred, above all, the Ethereum issuance debate and the rise of restaking.

The magnitude of these developments raises questions about the DAO’s strategy and whether it is still the best course of action or whether it should be revisited. The proposal suggests what should change, and what should stay the same in Lido DAO’s GOOSE (Guided Open Objective Setting Exercise) goals.

Proposed goals for 2024

Things that don't need to be changed, but need to be emphasized:

  1. Stay focused on security and decentralization
  2. Reaffirm that StETH should stay an LST, not become an LRT

New goals to be added to GOOSE goals:

  1. Participate in Ethereum staking roadmap research
  2. Support Ethereum-aligned validator services, starting with preconfirmations, without exposing stakers to additional risk
  3. Make StETH the most utilized token in the restaking market, allowing stakers to opt into additional points on the risk and reward spectrum

The rest proposed for 2024 goals are staying the same.

The context and motivation for changing the goals are described in the proposal post:

Proposal actions

If approved, the proposal would signal an amendment to the current set of GOOSE Goals for 2024.