Lido Proposal: #0x3ea112ff9a98fb8f52f5b8ff636c4530657d9c4bff9827be80a7a27e2d119231

Activate Lido Protocol Governance with Revenue Share Staking

No - do not add revenue share56.4%

Yes- add revenue share to $LDO: 43.6%

2,066,570 LDO

No - do not add revenue share: 56.4%

2,672,698 LDO

Voting Period





$LDO Revenue Share

a. Redirect 20-50% (toggle-able parameter based on governance) of future Lido DAO revenue from the protocol treasury to $LDO Stakers

b. Distribute Lido DAO revenue to $LDO stakers in $LDO tokens weekly through a buyback and distribute mechanism (exact mechanics will be determined separately)

i. This mechanism allows all $LDO holders (not just stakers) to benefit from the revenue generated by the protocol ii. All stakers will ‘receive’ token as weekly emissions. All earned tokens will be vested for 3-months before distribution accruing compounded emissions.

The aforementioned is based on included link and subsequent conversation.