Osmosis Proposal: #800

Grant Router Protocol the Ability to Deploy Contracts on Osmosis




Yes: 86.2%

154,424,736 OSMO

No: 5%

8,903,796 OSMO

No With Veto: 0%

24,999 OSMO

Abstain: 8.8%

15,692,383 OSMO

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time


This proposal seeks to grant the Router Protocol deployer address osmo1n7t0jxal09tayv6tm000lp7dw47cje5qwe5wjc the ability to upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis without requiring governance approval for each contract upload. Router Protocol aims to enhance Osmosis through advanced interoperability solutions, asset bridging, and cross-chain communication frameworks.

About Router Protocol:

Router Protocol is a research-focused organization specializing in interoperability solutions. With over three years in the business, our key focus areas include message and asset bridging infrastructure to support the development of high-performance cross-chain applications in the web3 space.

Router Protocol Offerings:

  1. Router's Asset Bridge:
  1. Router's Cross-Chain Intent Framework (CCIF):
  1. Router's Gateway:

Benefit for Osmosis:

Router's integration into Osmosis will unlock substantial possibilities, including:

Contracts to be Deployed:

  1. Router Gateway Contract
  2. Router Bridging Contracts
  3. Lite Client between Router and Osmosis
  4. Router's CCIF Contracts


Granting Router Protocol the ability to autonomously upload contracts will greatly benefit the Osmosis ecosystem by enhancing interoperability, expanding asset variety, and fostering cross-chain innovation. This strategic integration will position Osmosis as a hub for advanced DeFi applications and interactions.

Forum Thread: https://forum.osmosis.zone/t/proposal-grant-router-protocol-the-ability-to-deploy-contracts-on-osmosis/2863