Osmosis Proposal: #891
Unwind OSMO paired liquidity pools for lower cap assets
Yes: 97.6%
179,775,206 OSMO
No: 0%
34,452 OSMO
No With Veto: 0%
7,470 OSMO
Abstain: 2.4%
4,361,332 OSMO
Voting Period
Deposit End
Submit Time
This proposal would dissolve protocol-held OSMO paired pools against non-correlated minor assets to support the strategy of OSMO decoupling.
This strategy aims to increase the independence of OSMO as it moves from the previous routing use case to being primarily used for governance and revenue.
Stable tokens such as USDC and USDT and high market cap tokens that trade primarily against stable tokens are the desired pairings to maintain liquidity.
OSMO Liquidity Pairings Impacted
AXL- $570k
- Deployed to Astroport in Proposal 756
- Initial liquidity of 650k OSMO, 443k AXL
- Current liquidity of 612k OSMO, 477k AXL
- While performing acceptably in terms of liquidity ratios, this deployment does not facilitate as much volume as originally predicted in the deployment. The non-protocol liquidity Supercharged pool facilitates around 4 times more volume per unit of liquidity, while the classic pool facilitates similar amounts as the Astroport deployment.
- Both assets would be withdrawn and returned to the Community Pool as liquid assets.
WHALE- $64k
- Initially Deployed by SAIL DAO
- Clawed back from SAIL DAO during Proposal 812
- Initial Status: 136.3k OSMO, 5M WHALE
- Current Status: 68.6k OSMO, 11.12M WHALE
- The WHALE removed from this liquidity position will be returned to SAIL as the original source.
- The OSMO will be returned to the Community Pool.
WYND- $1.3k
- Token Swap from Proposal 420
- Initial Status: 21.7k OSMO, 85k WYND
- Current Status: 2.9k OSMO, 734k WYND
- 52,000 OSMO originally with 26k swapped. Now valued at 3k OSMO.
- Both assets would be withdrawn and returned to the community pool, as there are no markets for disposing of the WYND side.
Other - $125
- These pools were created during the v17 Software Upgrade to enable direct migration from Superfluid Classic pools to Superfluid Supercharged pools.
- They consist of a range of assets that would be added to the relevant Alloy if one is available before being returned to the Osmosis community pool.
This proposal would send all liquidity receipts to the Osmosis Liquidity subDAO for action as detailed.
Forum Thread: https://forum.osmosis.zone/t/unwind-osmo-paired-liquidity-pools-for-lower-cap-assets/3412