Osmosis Proposal: #907

Alloyed TON: Add TON.int3




Yes: 97.3%

196,050,457 OSMO

No: 0%

24,987 OSMO

No With Veto: 0%

7,719 OSMO

Abstain: 2.7%

5,401,099 OSMO

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time


This proposal would add TON.int3 as a constituent of Alloyed TON.

Alloyed TON

Alloyed TON is the canonical TON on Osmosis, following the approval criteria in Proposal 826.

Alloyed TON currently has around $22k in liquidity and consists of TON.orai alone.

This proposal requests the addition of TON.int3 to the existing TON Alloy, enabling TON to be deposited via the Int3face bridge.

This proposal does not add an initial static rate limit, as the alloy has minimal liquidity at the time of addition. A further proposal would be required to add static rate limits after the alloy becomes more established.

For a complete description of Alloyed Assets, see the Blog Post

About Int3face

Int3face are the operators of the Bi[t]fröst bridge, currently used on Osmosis as the source of DOGE.

Int3face uses a novel implementation of leaderless Threshold Signature Schemes (TSS), offering a secure and decentralized bridging mechanism between DOGE and Osmosis.

Int3face is expanding this offering to become a bridge operator for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Telegram Open Network, and Solana.

Website: https://int3face.zone/

Alloyed Configs


TON Alloy: factory/osmo12lnwf54yd30p6amzaged2atln8k0l32n7ncxf04ctg7u7ymnsy7qkqgsw4/alloyed/allTON, Normalization Factor of 1, maintaining the Exponent of 9

TON.orai: ibc/905889A7F0B94F1CE1506D9BADF13AE9141E4CBDBCD565E1DFC7AE418B3E3E98, Exponent of 9 resulting in a Normalization Factor of 1

TON.int3: ibc/DDE1238DCBC338C0FD0700A72CBD64C017B7A646C4A46789ADFB5D47F1E52E38, Exponent of 9 resulting in a Normalization Factor of 1

Forum Post: https://forum.osmosis.zone/t/alloyed-ton-add-ton-int3/3436