Osmosis Proposal: #911

Redeploy ampOSMO and bOSMO liquidity on White Whale to Margined Strategies




Yes: 89.7%

161,751,569 OSMO

No: 0%

69,956 OSMO

No With Veto: 0%

12,549 OSMO

Abstain: 10.2%

18,473,494 OSMO

Voting Period




Deposit End

Submit Time


This proposal asks that the ampOSMO and bOSMO liquidity currently deployed on White Whale to be reassigned to Margined strategy deployments.

Current Status of Liquidity

This liquidity is currently held in a multisig as specified in Proposal 821.

This liquidity was guaranteed to be held in this multisig for at least 6 months or until it comprises the community pool’s only OSMO liquid stake holding above the equivalent redemption rate, whichever is longer.

The current status of OSMO liquid stake holdings from community pool deployments are:

With stOSMO and qOSMO, apart from that collected from taker fees, being in Margined vaults in positions up to the redemption rate.

Proposed Change

This liquidity is requested to be withdrawn from the bOSMO/OSMO and ampOSMO/OSMO White Whale pools and deployed, as is, into the Margined LST strategies used in proposals 846 and 847.

Since these positions were deployed with purely backing OSMO six months ago, they rapidly became the main markets for these assets. While bOSMO has seen more usage than ampOSMO, both liquidity supports will be maintained and added to the Margined strategy, further increasing the resilience of the peg and usability of these LSTs while adding more efficient buy-side liquidity to the redemption rate.

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The holding multisig is requested to return these receipt tokens to the Osmosis community pool, and governance will guarantee this liquidity for another six months.