Secret Network Proposal: #291

Revive Secret-Chihuahua IBC client II - fix for IBC between chains and stuck users




Yes: 95.5%

67,799,151 SCRT

No: 0%

7,811 SCRT

No With Veto: 0%

1,768 SCRT

Abstain: 4.5%

3,183,812 SCRT

Voting Period


Deposit End

Submit Time


This proposal will update the, currently frozen, IBC Transfer Client for the channel 11-16 secret-chihuahua. The frozen client 07-tendermint-184 will be substituted by a new client 07-tendermint-190. For questions about this proposal please contact Ertemann from Lavender.Five Nodes - Thank you to Alex from Secret Saturn for making the new Client! Upon completion of the proposal the community will once again be able to use sHUAHUA and transfer SCRT and any SNIP-20 back and forth between both chains.