Arbitrum Proposal: #0xb57f04ac3afb432ddbc7d4426f80bdca9191e56bee97cf5b7d9d55cd9fdf9752

[Non-Constitutional] Betting on Builders: Infinite Launchpad Proposal


For: 2.7%

3,597,726 ARB

Against: 94.8%

125,889,919 ARB

Abstain: 2.4%

3,238,007 ARB

Voting Period






What this proposal does:

What this proposal does NOT do:

Full proposal post

For an expansion on all below sections, please see the official proposal:


The "Infinite Launchpad" aims to provide builders with seamless support at every stage and empower our developer base to secure Arbitrum as a leading force in innovation and growth within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Born out of the Betting on Builders proposal from GovHack at ETHDenver, we are presenting a collaborative accelerator program strategy, expected to run from Q3-2024 through Q4-2025. This strategy acts as proof-of-concept for a pathway that any accelerator initiative can participate in. To begin, EVM Capital, RnDAO and Outlier Ventures are partnering on this proposal to launch the initiative, collect data, and establish best practices.


According to ThankARB:

“[Arbitrum has] more developers than most chains, but we don’t currently know how to best mobilize them for the benefit of the ecosystem.” 

We would like to try our hand at answering this question.


We are asking the DAO to allot $10m in ARB to provide a clear incubation track that propels innovations that leverage Arbitrum stack to deliver dapps and protocols.

How this fits into Arbitrums strategic priorities:


The "Infinite Launchpad" suite of programs work together to support projects at any stage.

Community Building Module (Support for Other Programs)

Attracting talent into the Arbitrum ecosystem to nurture the whole pipeline with founders, projects, and skilled contributors. Additionally, this program provides opportunities for builders and projects throughout the pipeline to showcase their work and make connections.


Team: RnDAO

Market & Research Module (Problem Identification)

Significant developer attention is focused on overcrowded problems (group-think) and unsustainable ventures. This program provides a solution through focused research to map the landscape of problems and identify opportunities for further exploration and validation. Additionally, providing valuable intel for the Arbitrum ecosystem to de-risk capital allocation.

This program includes:

Team: RnDAO

Entrepreneur in Residence program (Ideation)

Support early-stage builders in validating an opportunity fast and effectively, reducing risk and costs of entrepreneurship.

Capacity: 25 EiRs

This program includes:

Team: RnDAO

Venture Builder (Minimum Viable Product)

Turning the conceptual groundwork from the ideation phase into an MVP that can be market-tested.

Capacity: 10 projects.

This program includes:

Team: RnDAO

Pods Program (Pre-Accelerator)

Pods will engage local developers and stakeholders to translate and regionalize Arbitrum’s toolkit. The first pod will expand Arbitrum's presence in Japan and the greater Asia region by partnering with AngelHack and Fracton Ventures.

We will achieve this goal through:

Team: EVM Capital

In partnership with: AngelHack and Fracton

Base Camp (Accelerator)

Outlier Ventures’ flagship 12-week accelerator program. Cohort participants (5-8 teams) are provided with support from Outlier Ventures’ in-house team of experts, partners, and mentors on their product roadmap, community building, entity structuring, token design, and more. The program also provides a grant stipend for each team to amplify their growth and success.

This program includes:

Team: Outlier Ventures

Orbital (Growth Program for Series A and Later-Stage)

Commercial accelerator to help Series A and later-stage companies align their product roadmaps with the needs of enterprise decision-makers ensuring their innovations achieve widespread market impact.

This program includes:

Team: EVM Capital

In partnership with: AngelHack

Steps to Implement

> Preparation:

> Operation:

> Post-Program:


Pods, Base Camp, and Orbital are cohorts. Research and Community Modules, EiR, and Venture Builder operate on a rolling application basis.

Expected Outcomes and KPIs

The Infinite Launchpad aims to work with established entities to expand, support, and mobilize Arbitrum’s developer base and reinforce Arbitrum as a central influence of innovation and impact within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Primary Expected Outcome:

Our North Star is to help at least one startup achieve unicorn status using the Arbitrum software stack and protocols.

Overall Cost

The total cost is $10 million USD, covering expenses from Q3-2024 to Q4-2025.

Total Ask: $10.47MM USD*

Numbers are shown in USD and will be converted to $ARB ahead of a Tally vote.

*distributed quarterly or bi-annually at the discretion of the oversight committee, enabling the DAO to adjust funding for individual programs or the entire suite.

Other Considerations

This proposal was developed in consultation with the Arbitrum Venture Initiative (AVI) working group.